
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Jan 26th-Grandma and Grandpas

Elijah is such a lucky boy to see his family so much. He has been playing with grandpa, scooby (doberman) and sam a bunch and loves signing "puppy" and making an "arf" sound. Grandma and Elijah have been reading lots of books and learning new words. What a lucky boy!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lazy Day Jan 24

Today we both slept in till 9am!! whoo hoo, it felt so nice! Thank you Elijah!!! Because he slept that long, nap time was verrrrrrryyyyyy hard. I think we spent mos of the afternoon reading books and trying to get tired.  We missed toddler time today because nap time happened so late. oh well! :) For the rest of the afternoon we have been working on signing. Watching baby signing time----above photo, and looking at picture books and signing. We haven't done to much today, but every once in awhile these kind of days are nice!

Jan 23-Hes standing!!

We started our morning with homemade whole wheat blueberry muffins for the both of us! I topped Elis with cut up strawberries and he loved it. Mine had peanut butter, bananas and strawberries. nummmm. I made an extra large batch to freeze so we can enjoy these throughout the next couple weeks. just throw 'em into the toaster!

Elijah is officially standing on his own! He can do a good 30 sec when he is distracted by something and doesn't realize what he is doing :). Hopefully walking is in the near future. I thought he was going to walk a few weeks ago because of how he would walk along things but hes taking his sweet time. I guess he is only 10 1/2 months :). It looks like he is leaning in this picture but there is a good couple inches between him and the drawer :)
Elijah has never taken a pacifier and I don't even know where these things keep popping up.....but Ill look at him and he will have one in his mouth. Poor kid doesn't know how they work haha!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


I dropped the camera the other night and thought I broke it.....hence I broke my picture a day goal. whoops. Moving forward with as many pictures as we can get this year goal instead :).

This weekend we drove to Thompson to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa "NEMO". Let me explain the name. My mom has a little fish figurine that looks like nemo and everytime Eli sees it he makes a fish sound. Then he learned how to make a PUPPY sound. We had been working on signing "puppy" for awhile so this was a nice addition. THEN.....He learned to make a sssssssnake sound. So cute! It just amazes me everyday what he picks up on!

We spent the night with Grandma and Grandpa looking at the puppies outside. He just loves those dogs!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Family Fun

Saturday we spent the day/night in Fargo swimming and spending time with the family. Elijah went swimming and went down the slide at the waterpark. He had so much fun! Then we spent time in the suite coloring and playing with the cousins! Elijah is so lucky!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Out with the old......

We finished what we had started out Elis closet. All the baby stuff....all the sweet memories :) We put all his 12-18 month (tear, tear) clothes on hangers and folded on the shelves. This kid is so blessed he has enough clothes to last him until he is in 4T! He has a secret closet in his closet that we are clearing the stuff out of, packing away and putting in the basement so we can make it into a little hideaway for him. uff! A ton of work, but so well worth it when it was done late this morning!
In the process we found his newborn hat he got in the hospital, my how he has grown!
I left for 30 sec to go brush my teeth in the bathroom and this is what I came back to........
yup. Those are wet wipes. So we picked them up, toothbrush still in my mouth. Clean room, clean baby.....not too much can happen while I go rinse and spit right?..........
I don't know how he does it, but he can turn a room upside down in 2.3 seconds!
So Folks....this has been our day so far. Clean.....make a mess....clean.....make a mess........

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 5th, 2012

Today has been quite the busy day! Elijah was in the kitchen this morning and managed to get into all the drawers and empty them as well as make his way into the laundry room and unravel the toilet paper. I actually enjoyed watching him move about like that! I like to see him explore his surroundings. I can clean a mess :) We cleaned out his closet and packed up all his old clothes and baby items....tear tear :( and moved them into the basement. Then we decided to make a fort in his room. Boy did he love that!

Then he made his way into the hallway from his fort and found yet another basket....and fell in!!!!

It has been such a nice day out today that we went for a two hour stroller ride after lunch. We have been working on napping after lunch but a train decided to interrupt that schedule today. We went to the park with sam and let him run around and I pushed Elijah on the swing. I love hearing him laugh every time he swings up :) These are such precious moments I want to capture them all! We received a camera for Christmas so I will be trying to achieve my goal of a picture a day for the rest of the year. It will be fun to look back next year and see what we did everyday!!